Friday, March 8, 2013

Justin Passes Out In London

Justin Bieber in hospital he puts pictures on a social network london uk

Maybe he was having too much fun in ol’ London town.

At a third night appearance at London’s 02 (no word on when we arrived this time), Justin Bieber was definitely off his game and eventually left the stage, complaining of having trouble breathing.

Wow — I wonder what that possibly could’ve stemmed from.

According to a few eyewitnesses at the show, it appeared that the 19 year old actually passed out on stage following mentioning to the crowd that he wasn’t feeling too well.

After leaving the stage for a bit, Justin’s manager, Scooter Braun came out  told the crowd that the Biebs had been complaining of having trouble breathing since earlier and was being checked by EMTs on the scene — but Justin was well enough to come back out and finish the show in it’s entirety before heading directly to the hospital afterwards to get properly checked out.

The singer managed to share a pic of himself in a hospital bed — because you know, that’s what you do when you complain of having breathing troubles — and said he was already “getting better” and “figuring out what happened”.

So let’s see: a bad week that pretty much made you look more and more douche like as time went on and suddenly, a crisis that sends you to the hospital.

Yeah, nothing strange about that at all.

Well, he also could’ve possibly just been freaking out to news that once again, his friend Lil’ Twist took one of his cars on a joyride and managed to wreck it this time around.

Oh — and apparently, Twist fled the scene of the crime after crashing into cement poles outside of a liquor store.

And if you were keeping count, this is about the fifth time Justin’s buddy’s been reckless with one of his cars.

Let’s hope Justin will have a much better week beginning Monday — he should start by getting some new friends.

Via Tabloid Prodigy

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